Link In Bio
→ Social Sewists—where fashion sewists to learn, grow, and make sewing friends along the way. Live events, recorded tutorials, and more. Join us!
→ Social Sewists gift membership
→ Garment Sewing Fundamentals Virtual Sewing Retreats
→ Biona, Workroom Social's newest collection of Rayon Challis fabric
→ Dear Jenny Episode 2: How can I recover my confidence after a sewing fail?
→ Tool Belt for Sewists and Makers
→ Camp Workroom Social—Wardrobe Week (April 26–30, 2023)
→ Terms of Service including special policies related to COVID-19
→ Workroom Social Community Rules and Guidelines
→ Seeking Sewing Content Creators! Apply here
→ Rayon Challis Fashion Fabrics in Exclusive Prints
→ Jeans-making Resources and Sewing Patterns
→ Donate to the Loveland Foundation Therapy Fund—Sewists Supporting the Well-Being of Black Women and Girls
→ BIPOC and Ally Vendor List—sewing patterns, fabrics, craft supplies, and more! Developed by Jacinta Green.
→ Jennifer's Ongoing Research for Allyship to Our Black Friends and Neighbors—because Black lives matter